Pastoral Staff Review
Working in a ministry team can be a source of great joy in but it can also bring its challenges. We need wisdom and good processes to help make it a joy for us and our colleagues.
Having a good staff review process can significantly help our ministry teams function in a healthy way.
Gary O’Brien will be leading a workshop on operating a Staff Review Process. He will introduce you to a model that you can use or adjust for your ministry context.
The goal of this Staff Review Process is to help ministry staff serve in a way that makes a significant and positive impact in the ministry of the church and is personally fulfilling.
Ministry is not simply a job and this is not simply a performance review. Aspects of performance and ministry conditions are considered, but it is much broader in its focus because parish ministry happens in a complex network of relationships in the family, the staff team and the church community where personal life, ministry and friendships all overlap.
This review process seeks to provide both accountability and development of staff members. It is pastoral and formative, rather than evaluative, in character and is guided by a commitment to honesty, clarity and generosity.
This Staff Review Process seeks to provide a mechanism to help each staff member:
• reflect on their current life and ministry
• make plans for the following year
• open a channel of communication with the review team to receive feedback and counsel
• review the conditions of their appointment, with their spouse present