Approved Supervisors Application Form
Key Documents
Apply to become an Approved Supervisor
To be an Approved Pastoral Supervisor, a person must –
- have completed a recognised qualification or course in Pastoral Supervision (or deemed equivalent), and
- meet the academic requirements to be an associate or member of AAOS, and have read the information sheet approved by the Archbishop (for the purposes of this Policy) concerning the nature and context of ministry in the Diocese of Sydney.
All Pastoral Supervisors must also declare their willingness to abide by Faithfulness in Service and to support the ministry of the Diocese of Sydney.
Pastoral Supervisors are required to hold professional indemnity insurance (or equivalent) for an amount of not less than $1million for any one claim and $2million in the aggregate which covers their services as a Pastoral Supervisor for the purposes of the Policy.
Approved Pastoral Supervisors who are licensed ministers (in the Sydney Anglican Diocese) and are not able to obtain their own insurance are covered by the Diocese’s insurance policy.
Approval will be issued for a specified period, usually five years, and is not perpetual. The usual duration of approval will be reviewed from time to time in accordance with the review schedule of this Policy.
Pastoral Supervisors may apply to the Pastoral Supervision Manager to be considered for listing in one of the above categories.
Please download the Letter of Agreement for Approved Pastoral Supervisors, read, sign and scan to a jpg or pdf file. Then assemble the required list of document to upload in the form below.
Application Form
Before commencing the application form below please collect the following documents for uploading as either pdf (preferred), jpg, or png format. You won’t be able to submit the form without uploading all of these:
- Your current AAOS certificate (or equivalent)
- A copy of your Graduate Certificate in Pastoral Supervision (or equivalent)
- A copy of you current insurance document
- A copy of a national police check no older than 12 months
- A signed copy of the Letter of Agreement
There is space near the end of the form to include any information not covered in the rest of the form.
If you have any questions about the application process, please contact the Manager. Pastoral Supervision.